Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Illustrations from a vintage baby book

Vintage toddler with pets

Today I'm sharing illustrations from a vintage baby book found at a local flea market. The 1930s illustrations are not signed, so the artist is unknown, but the style is very similar to watercolors by one of my favorite children's illustrator, Bessie Pease Gutmann.  Ms. Gutmann was famous well before the '30s, so her work would have been signed.  This artist obviously admired and emulated her artistic style and subject matter.

Vintage children at play

The baby whose life this book celebrated was born in January 1949 in Centuria, Wisconsin. A hospital invoice was tucked into the pages.  The hospital room and care cost $5.50, and the operating room fee was $5.00.  Additional charges were $3.00 for anaesthetic, and $.25 for medicines (a sedative).  Total: $13.75.

I always feel sad when family keepsakes like this baby book are not cherished by family members, but at least we can all enjoy the charming illustrations today.

As always, right click an image to save it to your computer.  Clicking a second time will give you the largest image size.  Downloads are for personal use only. Please do not sell these images individually or in collections.

Vintage baby with toothbrush, toothpaste and puppy
Vintage children with birthday cake
Vintage baby with Christmas tree and toys
Vintage children with birthday kiss
Vintage children hand in hand

I hope you'll enjoy using these vintage images in your art projects.  Please post in the Comments section about how you plan to use them.  I'd love to hear about (and see!) your creations.



  1. Hello,
    I know the artist Bessie Pease Gutmann, her illustrations have been used to produce calendars. I also like this artist. I use this kind of beautiful images and I work digitally to make scrapbook pages for one of my friends in France.
    Thank you so much!

  2. These are great. Thanks for sharing!

  3. hello! the first image is just matched what i want that want to use it!
    on my blog when i expain my website ;) thank you for sharing!
