Friday, July 15, 2011

More lovely ladies on bridge tallies

These lovely ladies are from an undated bridge set published by Charles S. Clark Co.  The larger images are from the diecut covers of bridge score pads, and the small round images are individual bridge tallies. The tallies had decorative fringed ties through the holes -- very fancy!

Text inside the scorepads refers to progressive auction bridge (which was originated in 1904), and mentions that "Some prefer to play by the new laws of progressive auction bridge," which may have changed in 1927 after the creation of the American Contract Bridge League.  (If there are any bridge history experts out there, please correct me if this is not the case!)

I'm just enthralled with the artwork!  I hope you like it, too.

As always, click on any image to enlarge it, then right click on the enlarged image to save it to your computer. 

I'd love to see any projects that use the vintage images shared here. Please send pictures of your work if you've created something with these.

Working on art projects indoors is a good way to keep cool in this heat wave.
Happy creating!


  1. wow, these are beautiful! Thank you!

  2. The ladies are beautiful thank you for sharing.

  3. These are so pretty...thank you for sharing them!

  4. wow, thank you so much, just found your blog via pinterest - love it, thanks for sharing!

  5. Sooooo cute!!!!
    Thank you so much!!!!
