Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I am in so in love with birds, I was thrilled when my husband gave me  a box of birdseed for Christmas.  I love waking up to their song, watching them at our feeders and seeing them in flight. I wish I could draw them, but because I can't, I have to settle for printed images of birds.  In case you like birds as much as I do, I've scanned some vintage bird images for you.

This bird, I'm told, is a long-tailed flycatcher.  This gorgeous creature really should have a more beautiful name.  This image was printed on one of those notepads people used to keep beside the telephone -- perhaps in a built-in telephone nook in a home's center hall. The picture has yellowed over time, but I think that adds to the charm.  

Right-facing bluebird

Left-facing bluebird

These sweet bluebirds are from a vintage greeting card printed on vellum and glistening with glitter.  The cover of the card folds inward. You have to open both sides to read the message.  The images are beautiful when paired, but I separated them so they can be used alone or as a pair.

Coming soon: more birds, butterflies and borders.



  1. These are beautiful! thank you!

  2. Love the birds. Love birds in general. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Bonnie, I also love to get up early to hear the birdsong. These are beautiful; thanks!

  4. Thank you for these wonderful images! I especially love the one of the unfortunately named flycatcher.♥ xoxo
